Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TMI Tuesday

1. Have you ever met a fellow blogger in person?

Not anyone from this site. But I have met someone I met over MySpace

2. Did you ever play an innocent game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"? How old where you?

No I never did.

3. When did you get your first not so innocent kiss?

I was 20 years old. A guy I knew had feelings for me came over to watch a movie. I was so ready to have that first kiss that eventhough I didn't have feelings for him I gave him all the signals for a "Go Ahead." & he did. It turned into a two hour make out session. There was also some exploring done. Well a lot of exploring. I was 20 it was about damn time!!!

3a.If your partners are no longer of the opposite sex, when did you get that first kiss?

My partners are of the opposite sex. But I have had several same sex kisses. I was 21 for the first one.

4. Have you ever awoke with someone who's name you did not remember?

Yes I have. He wasn't a complete stranger. He was a friend of a friend. Met him at a bar we were at. Basically we were both drunk. Did not have sex. But messed around. Even now I do not rememebr his name. I think it might of been Rob.

5. Have you ever let someone else wash you while you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself?

Yes I have. A fun night with my roommate. The most memorable experience I have ever had in the shower.

Bonus (as in optional): What makes a great first date for you?

Conversation! Lots of conversation. Have to get to know eachother.


Bunny said...

Excellent answers! Great conversation is definitely a must!

Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

Happy TMI!!!!!!!

SoCal Sal said...

Hey Sal, nice answers!

Anonymous said...

Right on with the Bonus answer! Happy belated TMI. :)