Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday Threesome

Onesome: The-- best things in life are free? What's your favorite freebie? I'm thinking of some annual event you partake in...

I honestly can't think of anything along those lines. Although something I do about once a week that is free is going to the movies. A couple of my friends are managers at the local theatre.

Twosome: T---buckets, Model T's, maybe even Thunderbirds? Do you have any ties to classic cars or modified roadsters?

Mine would have to be 71 Dodge Charger. Always been in love with this particular year & model.

Threesome: 3-- days until Sunday, but the NFL season begins tonight! Who's your team this year? Not a football fan? Post your rant on why not !


TMI Tuesday

1. What did you eat for dinner yesterday?

Meat & Potatoes with a salad.

2. How much cash is in your purse/wallet right now?


3. What have you done to avoid being flirted with by someone you didn't like?

Act very nonchalant.

4. Do you believe the theory "Once a cheater always a cheater"?

Yes I do.

5. Describe your sex life in two words.

Non-Exsistent. (Does that count as 2 words?)

Bonus (as in optional): Would you/have you ever paid money for sex?

No I have never.
No I will never.

Manic Monday

What is one thing that you wanted to do this summer but didn't?

Go to the beach. I live about a hour away but I could never get away. Maybe this weekend.

If you lived a hundred years ago, what job would you've had?

Hmmmm....Good Question. Probably a maid or something in the "help" industry. Not real sure.

What are some of the most persistent and challenging obstacles in your everyday life?

Dealing with my new boss at work. Honestly just trying to deal with some of the people in my life.