Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday Threesome

Onesome: 'Lettuce'-- talk of salads and dressings: Is plain green your thing? ...or do you like 'stuff' mixed in or scattered over the top? ...and how about the dressing: what's leading your list this year?

I love stuff mixed in. I like sunflower seeds, sprinkle cheese, cut up ham, turkey or chicken, croutons, bacon bits & cucumbers. I also liked the salad mix with radish & carrots. I prefer thousand island dressing then ranch.

Twosome: and-- how about those Mets, -eh? Actually, baseball's doing okay this week, with basketball, football and cycling having the problems. Is there any sports news you'd care to comment on?

The only other sports I like to watch are boxing & UFC but nothing really to comment on those right now.

Threesome: tomato-- and lettuce: the perfect toppings for that hamburger someone will cook up for you at a Labor Day picnic in another month or so? ...or perhaps you have another set of condiments you like on your meat or tofu?

I don't like lettuce on my burgers. I like mayo, mustard, ketchup & pickles.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wet Wednesday

1. have you ever been dumped by a lover, or dumped one? tell us about the one that stands out most in your mind, and why.

I can honestly say I have never been dumped & I have never dumped anyone. I have never had an actual relationship before or at least not one that a title was put on.

2. if you could change one thing about your lover/SO, what would you change ... and why?

Do not have a current lover but the last guy I was intimate with I would probably change his kissing. For some reason he had no problem kissing me anywhere on my body but he did not like to kiss on the mouth. He would a little in the beginning(I mean the beginning of the night)but then he wouldn't bother with it throughout the night.

3. Mia's boyfriend's parents threatened to disown him if she moved in with him. if your parents/friends/whomever you're close to threatened to cut all ties with you if your S.O. moved in with you, what would YOU do?

Honestly I would call them on it. I feel that if somebody I am close to threatens to do something like that they are just trying to exert some sort of control over my life & no one controls my life but God & myself. Honestly I don't think they would go through with it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TMI Tuesday

1. Leather, lace or silk?


2. Do you subscribe (or regularly buy) to any "dirty" magazines? Which ones?

Nope no dirty magazines for me.

3. Have you ever had sex in water (tub/pool/lake/ocean)?

Nope I have never but I definitely want too!

4. The three words that best describe you in bed are ____, ____, and ____. Three words that best describe your most recent partner in bed are ____, ____, and ____.

Me: sensual, vocal & giving

Him: sexy, surprising & random

5. Did you lose your virginity as an impetuous youth, "to prove that you loved" him/her, because of a romantic gesture, a newly wed or other (please describe because I can't think of what an "other" might be)?

I am not really sure if it would qualify as a One-Night-Stand because my definition of a One-Night-Stand is having sex with someone you met that night & then never seeing them again. However mine was with a guy who was my roommates cousin. I had only met him once before & hung out with him that same night. A month later I hung out with him again got drunk & had sex. We have hung out a couple of times since then but we never talked about is having sex.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Manic Monday

Have you planned your funeral and/or written your will?

No I haven't done either. The closest thing is setting up life insurance through work & naming my sisters as benefactors. I even felt a little uneasy doing that. Whenever I think about death especially my own it depresses me. And not in the way it does everybody (or at least I think it is different) I have a very over active imagination so I picture my actual grave site and people moving on without me.

Do you carry an umbrella when rain is forecast or do you just risk it?

I always have an umbrella with me. I own like 4. They are kept in my car, apt, office & work bag.

How bad is the traffic in your town? Does it bother you or do you take it as it comes?

I take it as it comes. I know at what times to avoid certain areas so I try & steer clear.