Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Nanny Diaries

I went to go see The Nanny Diaries last night. I really liked it. At first was a little skeptical but it was a heart-warming story. I won't give anything away, ;-)! I will say that Chris Evans is HOTT!

I will say though it made me think of having kids. I know I am young but everytime a friend talks about her childs crazy antics, or my nieces & nephews have me rolling with laughter, or I see a baby being cradled by its Mama it gets me to thinking. I had a pregnancy scare a month ago & honestly I was happy about it. When I found out I wasn't pregnant I was sad. I know right now is not an ideal time for me to start a family especailly since I do not even have a boyfriend. I look at my Mom and she had me when she was 18 & she was able to survive so I could too. Who knows sometimes my mind just gets to wandering. Hope everyone has a Great Day!

Live. Laugh. Love.


Professor Fate said...

I don't think anyone should have kids until they are ready because even then you are not really ready.

Sal said...

I agree with you there.