Monday, August 27, 2007

Manic Monday

What kinds of scenes in movies make you cry?

Oh man where to begin. Sad scenes, happy scenes, it doesn't matter really. If there is an extreme amount of emotion & it is acted out well I will cry!

If you met your clone-- someone with your exact personality traits, likes and dislikes, etc. -- would you want to be friends with him/her? Why or why not?

I think so becaus the person would be able to understand me in all my wackiness.

What is your biggest challenge in life right now?

Being able to let things go.


Lisa said...

It's so hard to let go sometimes-- okay, lots of the time! :-)

Thank you for playing MM and have a great week!

meowminx said...

I find it hard to let go of things, but I know deep in my heart I will have to, because like what you wrote, the past is the past.

Have a good week!