Monday, November 05, 2007

Manic Monday

Describe yourself in one word:


What is your favorite kitchen utensil and why?

I would have to say tongs. They make it so easy to pick up things.

What is the one thing that frightens you the most about growing old?

Growing old alone. I do not want to be alone. I hope & pray that I will have a companion.


Siani said...

Great answers - we all seem scared of aspects of old age, don't we/ I'm dreading it :(. Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Goofy? Cool, LOL!

My answers are here.

BeccA's Buzz said...

My fave kitchen item is a pot holder, can't get along without it LOL
I got to your blog from the Friday's Feast last week and I see that you enjoy memes (me too!) I am visiting more and more from the list to invite them to come see a meme I just started. It's called 'Give Me Five' Monday meme and it's fun and easy to participate in.
I'd love for you to come read about it and possibly participate! Thanks so much, BeccA!