Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wet Wednesday

1. have you ever been dumped by a lover, or dumped one? tell us about the one that stands out most in your mind, and why.

I can honestly say I have never been dumped & I have never dumped anyone. I have never had an actual relationship before or at least not one that a title was put on.

2. if you could change one thing about your lover/SO, what would you change ... and why?

Do not have a current lover but the last guy I was intimate with I would probably change his kissing. For some reason he had no problem kissing me anywhere on my body but he did not like to kiss on the mouth. He would a little in the beginning(I mean the beginning of the night)but then he wouldn't bother with it throughout the night.

3. Mia's boyfriend's parents threatened to disown him if she moved in with him. if your parents/friends/whomever you're close to threatened to cut all ties with you if your S.O. moved in with you, what would YOU do?

Honestly I would call them on it. I feel that if somebody I am close to threatens to do something like that they are just trying to exert some sort of control over my life & no one controls my life but God & myself. Honestly I don't think they would go through with it.

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